Thursday, 11 February 2016

Walking Along Beachy Head

What is he thinking as he walks towards me?
Why are we here?
What are we having for tea?
The walk is long the distance is so far.
At the top the sea is so vast and so blue.
The day is warm no need for a jumper or coat.
The day is slow no need for haste.
Our time together goes so fast.
Time now to think and ponder
Time to move and to enjoy.
The path we have travelled is not the same.
The stories and images are ours to keep.
We have walked at a different pace
We look the same but we speak in a different way.

Perivale Poem

Born in Perivale

Not far from Percy Bilton Bridge
I first learned to read and write and pray at St John Fishers
In the street I scored my first goals
I strived to be a Wiseman in Greenford senior school
Sadly this was where I also had to say goodbye to my brother.
The Perivale train I rode to work day after day
So many people in the same race the pace was too fast the cost too high
So one day I stopped taking that same train and left that race.

Now I am home, not far from Flynns And The Fox
Discarded beer cans lying blinking in the rain
Many mini-markets selling food from far places
CCTV cameras and speed-bumps like fallen soldiers
Thousands of tweets, selfies, likes n txts
A Celtic son still close to his Fairfields of home.