Read Read Read
Many agree that the biggest hindrance to a child succeeding in all forms of English tests (reading, writing and comprehension) is down to the amount of reading they have done form infancy. Unfortunately, boys tend to read less generally than girls and therefore they find these English test disciplines difficult to master. A top private school's headteacher told a gathering of parents who asked: "How can my son/daughter improve her general English skills?" to which the head replied: "Reading, reading and more reading!" Writing can be developed from all the genres of reading that pupils have enjoyed, as the imagination will be sparked by good books. Discussing an idea first can then be developed until a story unfolds, writing it down in stages as the the story develops. The draft can then be edited together with your tutor and then in bite sizes, if necessary, it can be written out in its final stage. Reading and writing will help you to improve the way you...