Thursday, 19 December 2013

Perivale Poem

Born in Perivale

Not far from Percy Bilton Bridge
I first learned to read and write and pray at St John Fishers
In the street I scored my first goals
I strived to be a Wiseman in Greenford senior school
Sadly this was where I also had to say goodbye to my brother.
The Perivale train I rode to work day after day
So many people in the same race the pace was too fast the cost too high
So one day I stopped taking that same train and left that race

Now I am home, not far from Flynns And The Fox
Discarded beer cans lying blinking in the rain
Many mini-markets selling food from far places
CCTV cameras and speedbumps like fallen soldiers
Thousands of tweets, ,likes n txts
A Celtic son still close to his Fairfields of home.


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